Church Membership

While everyone is welcome at Cemetery Road Baptist Church (CRBC), we don’t assume that everyone wants to take responsibility for making church happen! CRBC, as with most Baptist Churches, has a “Membership” system, where those who are “Members” have deliberately opted into the joys and responsibilities of church life; it’s about choosing to belong to a church. Membership can be seen in a few key areas:

Church Meetings: All Members have the chance to discuss and shape the important factors of church life, as together we discern and agree where God is leading us. There are 5 or 6 meetings per year, where we normally meet on a Sunday after a morning service.

Contributing: The Members provide CRBC so that others can join in. Contributions come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and could include taking on volunteer roles, praying for the people, ministry and mission of the church, financial giving and more.

Community: CRBC operates as a family, where Members go first in caring for one another, helping others join in, and ensuring we’re all growing as disciples. It’s the Members who together set the culture, where we hope to make our church family feel a bit like Heaven on earth!

The process for becoming a Member is set by our church constitution, and normally involves a couple of planned conversations with a Minister and/or Deacon(s), before you meet with a couple of existing members, who then “recommend” your Membership to the church meeting, before we all vote to welcome you in! If you’d like to join in with the next set of planned conversations that go into more detail about our church and Membership, just let Andrew know!

Learn more about membership at CRBC by viewing this video made by members of the Church.