Volunteering in services

There are all sort of roles that go into making our services happen, including flower arranging, welcoming, PA (Sound desk), AV (projector), singing, playing instruments, reading, preaching, bringing prayers, leading the whole service or the “family focus” (the short thought which introduces the service topic to the whole church, with a moment of prayer as a gathered family), as well as children’s and youth ministry happening alongside the service, and refreshments and prayer ministry after the service. While there is an induction, training and support available for people who are considering exploring any one of these roles, personal suitability for the roles very much depends on individual skills, giftings and experience. If there’s any particular role you’d be interested in, or any particular gifting you’d wish to express as a part of our gathered worship, please get in touch with Andrew in the first instance, and he will be happy to chat more and try to direct you to the relevant person!